Journal of biodiversity in Coleoptera

Beetles World is an occasional published journal devoted to taxonomy and to biodiversity of Coleoptera. We offer cooperation on the new description for every taxonomist from all parts of the world. All rights, including reprinting of extracts, electronic or optical reproduction and translation belonging to the publisher.
Beschreibung zwei neuer Arten der Gattung Prosopocoilus aus China (Coleoptera, Lucanidae).
Vergleich einiger kürzlich beschriebener Lucanus – Arten der Lucanus fortunei-Gruppe aus Südost-China (Coleoptera, Lucanidae).
“Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Prosopocoilus Hope et Westwood, 1845 aus Süd-China, werden beschrieben und abgebildet. Die neuen Arten sind mit Prosopocoilus gracilis (Saunders, 1854) verwandt. Einige kürzlich beschriebene neue Arten der Gattung Lucanus Scopoli, 1763 der Lucanus fortunei – Gruppe vom südöstlichen chinesischen Festland werden verglichen, diskutiert und einige der Holotypen werden abgebildet. Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel wird gegeben.”
Schlagworte: Coleoptera, Lucanidae, Lucanus fortunei, Lucanus kirchneri, Lucanus fortunei, Lucanus wuyishanensis, Lucanus fujianensis, Lucanus swinhoei continentalis, Prosopocoilus andreasi, Prosopocoilus similis, Prosopocoilus gracilis, China
Two new taxa of the genus Prosopocoilus from China (Coleoptera, Lucanidae).
Comparison of some recently described taxa of Lucanus of the Lucanus fortunei group from Southeast-China (Coleoptera, Lucanidae).
“Two new species of the genus Prosopocoilus Hope et Westwood, 1845 from southern China are described and pictured. The new species are related to Prosopocoilus gracilis (Saunders, 1854). Some recently described new species of the genus Lucanus Scopoli, 1763 of the Lucanus fortunei group from the south eastern mainland of China are compared, discussed and some of the holotypes are pictured. A key is given to determine the species.”
Key Words: Coleoptera, Lucanidae, Lucanus fortunei, Lucanus kirchneri, Lucanus fortunei, Lucanus wuyishanensis, Lucanus fujianensis, Lucanus swinhoei continentalis, Prosopocoilus andreasi, Prosopocoilus similis, Prosopocoilus gracilis, China