Journal of biodiversity in Coleoptera

Beetles World is an occasional published journal devoted to taxonomy and to biodiversity of Coleoptera. We offer cooperation on the new description for every taxonomist from all parts of the world. All rights, including reprinting of extracts, electronic or optical reproduction and translation belonging to the publisher.
Contribution to the knowledge of the Lucanus from Laos with description of Lucanus puchneri (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). The new species Lucanus puchneri is described and figured. The relationship to known taxa is discussed. A specimen of the recently described L. collardi is figured.
Key words: Coleoptera, Lucanidae, Lucanus puchneri, Lucanus collardi, Laos, Vietnam
Revisional notes and new descriptions of stag beetles from China 2 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). The recent research on the genus Neolucanus Thomson, 1862 is briefly reviewed. Some Neolucanus species are discussed, including the just described N. yemaoi Wang & He, 2024. Two new species of Neolucanus are described: N. zhilini sp. nov. from Cenwanglaoshan, Guangxi; and N. liuzhei sp. nov. from Wuzhishan, Hainan. Dorcus wuchaoi sp. nov. is described from Dulongjiang, northwest Yunnan. The female of Dorcus nosei Nagai, 2000 is reported for the first time. A new subspecies of Lucanus fanjingshanus Huang & Chen, 2010 is described from Houhe, Hubei, namely Lucanus fanjingshanus wangpingi ssp. nov. The identity of Lucanus furcifer Arrow, 1950 is clarified in accordance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The status of Lucanus liuyei Huang & Chen, 2010 is discussed; it is concluded that the relationship between L. liuyei and L. wuyishanensis Schenk, 1999 is uncertain and requires further research on more nuclear markers in the future.
Key words: Neolucanus, Dorcus, Lucanus, liuyei, furcifer, fanjingshanus, new species, new subspecies, China
Notes on the genus Neolucanus with description of new taxa (Coleoptera, Lucanidae).Neolucanus yunnanensis spec. nov. from Xima area of Yunnan Province, China, Neolucanus fridoi spec. nov. from Hà Giang Province, Vietnam, Neolucanus chinhillensis spec. nov. from north-west Myanmar, Chin Hills Neolucanus castanopterus laoticus sspec. nov. from Laos, Neolucanus puchneri spec. nov. from Laos and Neolucanus alfredi from Laos are described, figured and compared with related taxa. Neolucanus suzumurai Fujita, 2010 is identified as a synonym of Neolucanus chiangmaiensis Schenk, 2006.
Key words: Coleoptera, Lucanidae, Neolucanus yunnanensis, Neolucanus baladeva, Neolucanus chinhillensis, Neolucanus fridoi, Neolucanus castanopterus laoticus, Neolucanus puchneri, Neolucanus alfredi, Neolucanus chiangmaiensis, Neolucanus suzumurai, China, Yunnan, India, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, new taxa.